We have joined the global effort to promote
an establishment that contributes to the improvement of the environment
through its administration, strategy and operations.
Hospital Solid Waste Management and Handling Plan:

We have a treatment plant for bioinfectious solid waste generated in health care rooms, through an autoclave process, creating a vacuum, steam sterilizing, purging, post-vacuum and discharge, entering a crusher and converting the waste treated in common waste.

From May 2019 to date, 33,604 have been treated
pounds of bioinfectious solid waste with the treatment plant.
Mercury Management and Elimination Plan:
First public hospital in Honduras to have an institutional policy to be mercury-free.
To date we have drained and correctly managed around 15 kg of mercury, which was in medical equipment within the hospital. This equipment has been replaced by mercury-free equipment, guaranteeing the provision of the service and the safety of the collaborator as a patient who visits us, which is why we are considered free of mercury in medical devices.
Mercury-free purchasing plan, shielding the entry of mercury into the hospital.
Change of more than 35% of fluorescent type luminaires to LED type.

Drinking water treatment plant:
At the hospital, we ensure the quality of the drinking water we receive from the Municipal Drinking Water and Sanitation Unit of the Central District (UMAPS) through a rigorous double treatment process. We use an advanced filtration system that includes activated carbon and multimedia filters, in addition to Reverse Osmosis technology, thus guaranteeing the purity and safety of the water we use in our facilities.
Residual water treatment plant:
Soapy water is being treated as a gray water system to be reused for irrigation systems, fire fighting systems, for toilet discharges (flushometers) and in the long term the solids that reach the plant will be dried to be reused as fertilizer for our green areas.
We also contribute by treating sewage to avoid further contaminating the city’s sanitary sewage.